Neville Goddard - Tantra - Yoga
According to the ancient Tantric master Abhinavagupta, imagination is not just powerful; it is power itself. The human capacity to imagine, according to Tantra, is simply our individual form of the power of the infinite consciousness, the infinite mind. That great mind imagines worlds within itself and brings them into existence, say the Tantric sages. Our own imaginations do the same thing on a smaller scale. Yoga Vasishtha, a key text of Vedanta that prefigures quantum physics and string theory, describes our so-called real world as a creation of imagination, made of solidified consciousness, or subtle energy, which each of us holds in place by believing in it. The Shiva Sutra consistently maintains that a yogi who understands this principle and cultivates it can rearrange these particles of consciousness and manifest just about anything. Most of us aren't operating at anywhere near that level, of course. More likely, our imagination operates unconsciously, as unexamined fantasies and stray thought constructs. By practicing what I call the yoga of imagination, we can learn how to use our divine gift for fantasy as a creative tool for transformation.
Kabbalah is a mystical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, there are lots of various word/number games around Hebrew letters and rituals for creating talisman. The most similar thing to Neville Goddard is the four worlds of creation theory, but kabbalah on the whole is more ritualized than Neville. The tree of life model is interesting and there are a few odd synchronicities etc.
There's often the quote in buddhism etc. about not mistaking the map for the territory. Kabbalah is literally all maps. Direct experience is pushed to the side in favor of symbolic maps, theory, word and number analysis.